ProWritingAid: What is it?
I highly recommend this program to anyone writing fiction.
Easy answer: analytics.
I have edited millions of words inside Microsoft Word using default spelling and grammar checks, as well as other paid products. Will ProWritingAid make a copy editor useless? No. Will it catch every error? No.
What it will do is let you run reports on just about every aspect of your writing you could imagine: dialogue tags, adverbs, sentence length, repeated words/phrases and a dozen more.
These reports are invaluable to improving.
Look at this garbage! (These reports are from a 3600 word early draft of mine). The repeated phrases report is one of my favorite things about this program. Those are hard to catch even for professionals when you’re editing 100k+ words at a time.
If ProWritingAid only offered analytics, I would happily pay for it and use a separate grammar editor.
For $10/month (yearly membership), I think it is wildly cheap for what it offers.
The only downside: the free trial is not very useful, as it caps at 500 words. While this will show the spelling and grammar checking, those are not the main points of the program, in my opinion.
I recommend the one-month trial.
This will allow you to use the analytics on any amount of words to get a better idea of the benefits before diving into the yearly subscription. I am paid for referrals, though I would recommend it even if I were not.